Francis Ho Index About



Brand Identity, Packaging Design, Motion

Creative Director: Niall Kelly
Senior Art Director: Leonardo Gonzalez
Senior Designer: Isabelle Donnelly
For a brand as old as Canada itself, Moosehead’s become one of the most well known and loved domestic beers, and we were lucky enough to help modernize the brand. Starting with a new moose to better represent the courageous spirit of its drinkers, the rest of the brand elements were inspired by Moosehead’s rich past. Using a slab serif reminiscent of it’s past, and re-introducing gold to accent a new rich emerald green to reinforce the premium taste of the lager. When brought to life in cans and cartons, the visual hierarchy we created puts the iconic moose front and centre, ensuring the refreshed system wouldn’t alienate current fans, but still maintains a strong shelf presence for years to come.

Full lineup of Moosehead Lager

Lorem Ipsum...
Social animation made as part of the launch of the new design, inspired by a neon Moosehead sign in St. John’s.